/* Admin interface stylesheet This stylesheet implements a set of styles used throughout the admin interface of PN .8x allowing the site administrator to configure via standard css techniques the presentation of the admin interface. Themers can create a theme specific version of this stylesheet by creating a copy of the file in themes\\style\Admin\admin.css. This version of stylesheet is kept as generic as possible to avoid many potential theme clashes. Re-styling this stylesheet requires a working knowledge of both CSS1 and CSS2. For this stylesheet to be loaded Xanthia themes must have the command in either the master template or a specific template for the admin components of a module (note 1). Legacy themes support the admin stylesheet by virtue of the header of these themes being templated in the Header_Footer module. Notes 1) There's no harm in this file being in the master template as these classes are not referenced in the user templates. /* styles for module admin menus */ .pn-menu { width: 99%; text-align: center; } /* style for main admin tables */ .pn-admintable { width: 100%; border: thin outset; padding: 1px; border-width: 3px; } /* classes to define two colors for admin view table to cycle between.*/ .pn-admintable tr.pn-even { background-color: #fff; } .pn-admintable tr.pn-odd { background-color: #eee; } /* stying for the cell elements in admin tables */ .pn-admintable td, th{ border: thin inset; padding: 3px; border-width: 1px; } /* main admin form style */ form.pn-adminform { border: dashed #0074B0; border-width: 1px 0; padding: 1em 0; margin: 0 1em; } .accesskey { text-decoration: underline } /* formrow is used to style a div containing a label and control pair */ .pn-adminformrow { clear: both; padding: .25em; } /* style for a label contained in a div of class formrow */ div.pn-adminformrow label { float: left; width: 250px; text-align: right; padding-right: 5px; } /* style for a input control contained in a div of class formrow */ /* style for a textarea control contained in a div of class formrow */ /* style for a select control contained in a div of class formrow */ /* style for a div contained in a div of class formrow - allows for grouping of a control and subsequent non label text. e.g. yes (radio) no (radio)*/ div.pn-adminformrow input, div.pn-adminformrow textarea, div.pn-adminformrow select, div.pn-adminformrow span { margin-left:20px; text-align:left; } /* styles to ensure that control elements inside the floated div directly above don't themselves float*/ div.pn-adminformrow div input, div.pn-adminformrow div textarea, div.pn-adminformrow div select { float: none; } /* styles to allow sub headings to be embedded correctly in admin forms */ form.pn-adminform div h1, form.pn-adminform div h2, form.pn-adminform div h3, form.pn-adminform div h4, form.pn-adminform div h5, form.pn-adminform div h6 { padding: 10px; } /* add the help cursor to labels that provide additional help via the title tag of the label */ form.pn-adminform label.pn-adminformhelp { cursor: help; } /* styles for the warning message shown if any of the install directory, install.php or psak.php are found */ .warning-container { padding:10px; text-align: center; border: 1px solid red } .warning-container h2 { color: red; display: block; } .warning-container img { float:left; } /* style tags for grouping of controls into logical 'sets' */ fieldset { border: #0074B0 solid 1px; } legend { color: #0074B0; }